Early records suggest that sugarcane originated in New Guinea, then spread to other parts of Asia, mainly India. As for its classification, people believe that the cane is a grass, even some ancient literature has this description. In fact, it belongs to the Poaceae family, Panacoideae subfamily, Andropogoneae tribe and its genus is Saccharum L. Sugarcane is considered a semi-perennial plant because its productivity drops with each cut, requiring a renewal of the sugarcane field each time. 4-5 years to maintain good productivity.

Photo of our Organic Sugarcane at the Farm Espírito.
In Brazil, it was brought by the Portuguese with the intention of producing sugar, a highly valued and appreciated product in the world. There was quickly the emergence of several mills along with a need for manpower; unfortunately supplied by slave traders. Sugarcane brought a lot of wealth and development to Brazil, being a period of many political, social and economic changes. In the next posts I will continue to bring the history of the Mandelli Family and curiosities from our sugarcane to the production of cachaça. I am Róbinson Mandelli, cachacist, researcher and passionate about the magic of the noblest of spirits, our very Brazilian cachaça. Thank you everyone and see you soon!