Hello everyone, welcome to another post by Espírito do Brazil! Today we will talk a little about the sugarcane varieties, their differences and effects on cachaça.
Brazil is one of the great names in the cultivation of this plant, knowledge coming from several research institutes that work intensely for its improvement and understanding. We at Espírito do Brazil also do our part. On our farm, we have planted 19 varieties from various research points.
Below, we see a CTC-4, blue culm.
But after all, what are you looking for with so many varieties? Going forward in our conversation, things get a little complicated as the purpose of this search can vary from region to region. Therefore, I will focus only on our plantation. We look for cold-resistant varieties, as frost is devastating to the crop. Another factor is the level of sugar (brix) and easy straw removal, after all, our cutting is done by hand to ensure cane tip cut at the correct height as well as visual inspection of each plant. We keep plants classified according to their harvest time, which can be super-early, precocious, late and super-late; this is a key factor in keeping production synchronized with the availability of equipment and workforce. Lastly and most importantly, assurance of a smooth and pleasant taste for the most demanding palate.
And how is cultivation and pest protection done? Sugarcane is a very attractive product for various pests as it is an excellent source of energy and fiber. So, what to do to combat them? In our case, we use permaculture techniques, whose main rule is the balance of the ecosystem. In our crops, no type of pesticides are used because we understand that the plant will be able to defend itself if it is healthy. As in a person, the plant activates its immune system to fight off an attacking agent. We also make use of green barriers around the cane field, providing shelter for sugarcane friends such as some types of ladybugs, wasps and birds that help in the process of fighting stronger pests, such as the borer. For the transport to the distillery, agility is an important key. To avoid any type of contamination, the cut cane is processed between 12 to 18 hours, ensuring a strong, natural, healthy fermentation with a very pleasant scent! My name is Róbinson Mandelli, agro-industrialist, researcher and passionate about the best among spirits, our very Brazilian Cachaça!